Online Sexuality Education For Sexual Minority

prototype, education and learning, other beneficiary groups, Impact Incubator

Providing online sexuality education courses to sexual minority youths and their parents




Founded by a clinical psychologist, the grantee Sticky Rice Love will tailor-make a lively online sexuality education course for the target youths (i.e. those aged 16 to 27 identified as sexual minorities, commonly referred to as LGBTQ) and their parents. The venture aims to improve their knowledge and attitude toward sexual health and, ultimately, enhance social inclusion.

The venture will provide four youth courses for 200 youths and a parent course for 20 parents. A paid service model will also be tested.

Name of Organisation

Sticky Rice Love Limited

Approved Funding Amount


Funding Period (Status)

1 year (Active)

Expected Impact

  • 200 youths will benefit from 4 youth courses
  • 20 parents will benefit from a parent course


(To be updated when available)
