The current-term Government upholds poverty alleviation in a targeted manner and allocates resources to those most in need, including households living in subdivided units, single-parent households and elderly households (such as elderly singletons and doubletons). The SIE Fund has been assisting in addressing the needs of these groups. For instance, the Fund has collaborated with landlords, non-profit organisations, social enterprises and professional bodies to take forward the “Community Housing Movement” to provide affordable and decent transitional social housing for households living in subdivided units. The Fund has also supported innovative projects designing modular furniture specifically for such households. In addition, the Fund has funded many projects that offer training and job opportunities to low-income single mothers, helping them reintegrate into the workforce; and introduced the “Gerontechnology Platform” to foster the development and application of gerontechnology in Hong Kong, enhancing the living quality of the elderly and rendering support to their families, caregivers and healthcare staff as well as institutions.