The SIE Fund, as a catalyst for social innovation in Hong Kong, connects our community with different sectors, including businesses, NGOs, academics and philanthropies to create social impact through innovative solutions that address poverty and social exclusion.
For the business sector, social innovation involves putting to market new products, services, practices and strategies that offer solutions to meet social needs. “Shared Value” is created for both the company and the society when a company applies its assets and skills to innovative projects that bring business return while simultaneously advancing the economic, environmental and social conditions in the communities in which it operates. (check here for examples of corporations creating shared value)
The Fund encourages corporations to apply the Creating Shared Value (CSV) approach in their business strategies for addressing social needs while exploring new business opportunities.
Innovation is central to the CSV approach. To encourage businesses to implement innovative ideas, the SIE Fund embarked on a "Shared Value Initiative" and the inaugural Shared Value: Creating Competitive Advantage Forum was held in September 2015 with over 160 senior corporate executives attended (see more details at the dedicated website). The Forum returned in September 2017 with a fresh and more inspiring programme.
In addition to the Forum, the 2017-18 Shared Value Initiative with a series of activities are launched in stages-
- Stage 1: Research - Research to comprehend the landscape of Shared Value in Hong Kong
- Stage 2: Awareness Building - Forum to deepen the awareness of the Shared Value concept
- Stage 3: Capacity Building - Series of visits, workshops and coaching sessions for corporate delegates interested in exploring the concept of Shared Value further
- Stage 4: Inspiration and Empowerment - The SIE Fund will consider supporting corporates interested in launching Shared Value projects through an inspiration and empowerment programme to help them develop their CSV business plans.
(see more details about the 2017-18 Shared Value Initiative at the dedicated website)
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