Eforia Designer Development Program for South Asian Women

prototype, job training and opportunities, people of diverse race, Impact Incubator

Vocational training and career support for South Asian women



Professional training in hair styling and hair accessory making will be given to the community of diverse race, especially South Asian women, to help them acquire the skills as a hair or nail stylist for gainful employment. The programme will hire suitable graduates as hair or nail stylists. Graduates can design their own hair accessory products. Depending on their availability, they can also work part-time at home or even set up their own businesses. The programme will collaborate with HKSKH Lady MacLehose Centre to recruit and train South Asian women and provide counselling and job placement support. Successful cases will encourage employers of the hair salon industry to hire South Asian women, with the ultimate effect of promoting social inclusion.


  • Click here to learn more about the "Hong Kong Social Innovator" behind this programme.
  • Click on the image below for a video featuring the venture, produced by a team of young people under the Social Innovation Short Film Sponsorship Scheme.

Name of Organisation

Coco Company Limited

Approved Funding Amount


Funding Period (Status)

1 year (Ended)


Recruited 14 South Asian women as trainees of hair styling and hair accessory making. Six of them had completed all the training courses, promoted to senior hair stylist and been able to produce hair accessory products independently.

