Cycling Tomorrow

start-up, job training and opportunities, low-income families, Impact Incubator

Engaging grassroots women and youths in businesses related to cycling




In view of the growing popularity of cycling in Hong Kong, the venture targets to recruit and train grassroots women and youths for bicycle maintenance, recycling and sales operations. On-the-job training will be provided to the target beneficiaries on bicycle maintenance (i.e. cleaning, checking and repairing), physical/online shop operation and the use of social media platforms for promoting and publicising the business.

Name of Organisation

J Life Foundation Limited

Approved Funding Amount


Funding Period (Status)

1 year (Ended)


  • Provided a total of 4 500 training hours to 32 grassroots women and 2 youths for bicycle maintenance, recycling and sales operations
  • Sold 100 bicycles with the sales amount of $45,000
  • Published 4 posts in Facebook

