Leaving Love to The Community – A Free Will Service

prototype, other service types, low-income families, Impact Incubator

Providing free will-making support services to the underprivileged



The grantee, also known as “遺善最樂 ForeverGift.hk”, is the first and only organisation in Hong Kong that promotes the donation of one’s estate. The venture aims to organise seminars on will-making for 400 underprivileged persons. Of these participants, 60 will be offered free professional legal support services provided by volunteer lawyers.

Training will be provided to 20 officers and social workers from local charities to equip them with basic knowledge about will-making.

The venture will also promote the donation of estates to charities to benefit the local underprivileged community and create a lasting impact in society.

Name of Organisation

Legal Redesigned Limited

Approved Funding Amount


Funding Period (Status)

1 year (Ended)


  • Processed 81 will applications received from NGOs
  • Organised 14 seminars for 650 users from NGOs
  • Organised 2 training workshops for 33 charity officers

