start-up, healthcare, children and youth, Impact Incubator

Psycho-education and psychotherapy services for underprivileged children with emotional problems or special educational needs


The venture aims to provide at an affordable price psycho-education and psychotherapy services, such as experiential creative arts, music and play therapy, to underprivileged children with emotional problems or special educational needs. The services will be delivered by a team of internationally certified therapists.

Apart from offering services in a playroom centre, the venture will refurbish a van to turn it into a mobile playroom to reach out to target children living in remote areas. Children with different needs will join the play therapy workshops in the mobile playroom to unleash their inner strengths and enhance their capabilities in coping with difficulties.

Experiential workshops and talks for parents, caregivers and teachers will be conducted to enable them to better understand the difficulties the children face.

Name of Organisation

Sweet Home Psychological Wellness Centre Limited

Approved Funding Amount


Funding Period (Status)

1.5 years (Ended)


  • Organised over 690 individual services sessions (i.e. psycho-education, psychotherapy and individual in-home programme) for around 110 children, of which 88 enjoyed the services for free or at a concessionary rate
  • Organised more than 450 group services sessions (i.e. talks and workshops, group in-home programme) for around 1 130 children and over 340 teachers/parents

