Blossoming Weaves - Community Healing Messenger Project

community participation, other beneficiary groups, Grant for Good

Providing floral therapy and expressive art workshops to caregivers of elderly persons to improve their emotional health and break social isolation



The venture will provide a series of floral healing and artistic expressive workshops for 175 family carers, enabling them to identify their emotions, alleviate stress and enhance mental well-being. An exhibition will also be held to raise the community’s awareness about carers and the significance of emotional health.


Name of Organisation

(Not applicable)

Approved Funding Amount


Funding Period (Status)

1 year (Active)

Expected Impact

  • Conduct a series of floral healing and artistic expression workshops for 175 carers of elderly persons
  • Provide 6 training sessions and at least 2 voluntary community practice activities to 20 young carers and volunteers who are concerned about carers’ mental health
  • Conduct 1 community exhibition and 3 small-scale artistic expression experiential workshops


(To be updated when available)
