Promoting upward mobility for youths of diverse race through providing job opportunities relating to cultural diversity activities
The venture is to establish a pioneering community facility, namely Diversity Hub, at Chungking Mansions, to host cultural diversity activities. It will train youths of diverse race as assistants to support guided tours and activities and establish an alumni platform, leveraging various corporate partners of Christian Action and strong employer networks, to provide job and training opportunities for sustaining youths’ future career development, thereby fostering upward mobility among underprivileged ethnic minority (EM) youths. The activities will help enhance public awareness and understanding of different cultures, thus promoting social and cultural integration in Hong Kong.
Name of Organisation
Christian Action
Approved Funding Amount
Funding Period (Status)
3 years (Active)
Expected Impact
- Train 30 EM youths to support Diversity Hub guided tours and events
- 190 EMs (mix of children/parents/women) participate in upward mobility related programme
- 4 120 persons from Hong Kong local community participate in events organised by Diversity Hub
(To be updated when available)