Home Care Support Service for Ethnic Minority Elderly

job training and opportunities, people of diverse race, Grant for Good

Providing home care services for elders of diverse race through the training of a team of multicultural care workers



The venture will provide 20 multicultural care workers with a 60-hour training programme customised for the community of people of diverse race, to serve 200 elders of diverse race, covering escort service, household cleaning, meal delivery and purchase of daily necessities.

The service experiences will be consolidated into a training kit for reference of 100 mainstream service providers. Cultural-sensitive training will also be provided for 120 staff from mainstream service providers to enhance their knowledge and capabilities of serving elders of diverse race.


Name of Organisation

Hong Kong Christian Service

Approved Funding Amount


Funding Period (Status)

2 years (Active)

Expected Impact

  • Train 20 multicultural care workers
  • Provide 9 100 hours of home care services in total for 200 elders of diverse race
  • Create a training kit for 100 mainstream service providers on home care support services for elders of diverse race
  • Offer 6 sessions of cultural-sensitive training to 120 mainstream service providers


(To be updated when available)

