Inclusive Community and Social Development Project

education and learning, people with disabilities, Grant for Good

Providing a more holistic approach in supporting and empowering carers of people with disabilities/ special needs



The venture will provide holistic training and emotional support to the community of people with disability/special needs, aiming to benefit 24 graduates and 12 to-be graduates of special schools and 120 caregivers of special school graduates/students.

The project will organise a wide range of activities, including thematic talks on caregiving skills, online/offline meditation groups, life journey review workshops, curative education seminars, mutual support groups for carers and intensive training on life skills for special school graduates.

The project will also train 50 community volunteers to support people with intellectual disability/special needs. 24 of them will be matched with 24 graduates to provide additional support.

An impact sharing session will be held to showcase the impact of the project.


Name of Organisation

The Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society, Kowloon

Approved Funding Amount


Funding Period (Status)

2 years (Active)

Expected Impact

  • Organise 24 thematic talks on caregiving skills for 120 caregivers of special school leavers
  • Organise 10 online/offline meditation groups for 80 caregivers
  • Establish 10 mutual support groups
  • Provide 253 sessions of life skills training for 24 special school graduates
  • Arrange 8 sessions of talks for 50 volunteers
  • Match 24 volunteers with special school graduates


(To be updated when available)
