Local Community Tourism Platform

job training and opportunities, low-income families, Innovator Farm

Enhancing the skills and employability of low-income youths and elders through training in sustainable tourism



The venture aims to foster social inclusion and alleviate social isolation by training low-income youth and elderly to become licensed tour guides. It enhances their skills and employability through tours that adopt the community tourism model where intergenerational work teams will offer high-quality and in-depth sustainable tourism services to tourists.


Name of Organisation

Hong Kong Community Experience Limited

Approved Funding Amount


Funding Period (Status)

2 years (Active)

Expected Impact

  • Provide sustainable tourism training programme to 20 low-income youths with low self-efficacy and 16 of them become licensed tourist guides
  • Provide sustainable tourism training programme to 20 low-income elderly doubletons / elderly caregivers and 14 of them become licensed tourist guides
  • Organise 150 sustainable tours with 500 participants from low-income families


(To be updated when available)

