Medi Help

healthcare, people of diverse race, Grant for Good

Providing people of diverse race, including elders, diagnosed with minor ailments and chronic diseases with easily accessible medical consultation services



The venture aims to provide 320 people of diverse race diagnosed with minor ailments and chronic diseases with online and in-person consultations, and offer counselling sessions for medication management during home visits to 23 elders of diverse race.

The venture will also assist patients to keep track of their record of incorrect medication and train 6 multicultural healthcare education ambassadors to teach Pakistan and Indian patients basic medical knowledge and correct medication.


Name of Organisation

Multicultural Health Services Limited

Approved Funding Amount


Funding Period (Status)

1 year (Active)

Expected Impact

  • Provide 456 consultations and medication management services for 343 people of diverse race
  • Train 6 multicultural healthcare education ambassadors
  • Track incorrect medication of 50 patients of diverse race and release a relevant research report


(To be updated when available)
