Chinese language training programme for NCS students
Oxfam Hong Kong will launch a two-year project to support non-Chinese speaking (NCS) kindergarten students in learning the Chinese language. The "pilot" is to develop a subject-based Chinese second language curriculum, teaching materials/ methods and corresponding assessment tools. The project will be implemented in partnership with the Centre for Advancement of Chinese Language Education and Research, Faculty of Education of the University of Hong Kong and the Department of Early Childhood Education of the Hong Kong Institute of Education. This is the first project of similar nature with the collaboration of NGO, universities and kindergartens.
The research results on the effectiveness of Chinese language learning of non-Chinese speaking students will be published at project's end.
The venture has proceeded to scale-up with funding support from the SIE Fund.
Name of Organisation
Oxfam Hong Kong
Approved Funding Amount
Funding Period (Status)
1.5 years (Ended)
- Developed a curriculum with teaching materials, methods and related assessment tools to support NCS kindergarten students in learning Chinese
- Over 150 NCS students from 6 kindergartens participated in the scheme in 2015-17
- Assessed the Chinese language level of the participating students before and after the intervention to identify their learning needs and evaluate the project effectiveness
- Organised 4 training sessions for about 70 teachers in 2015-2016