Never Too Late

prototype, job training and opportunities, low-income families, Innovator Farm

Providing training and support services to help unemployed women re-enter the job market




The venture provides a series of training and support services to help unemployed women aged between 45 and 65 re-enter the job market.

The venture aims to serve unemployed women who have received secondary education but left the job market for a long period of time due to family issues. These unemployed women may feel being isolated in society or face financial difficulties. The venture plans to provide a package of training and support in areas including resume writing, technology application, emotional support and internship opportunities to help the target beneficiaries equip themselves for the job market. It is expected that with an increased income, the target beneficiaries can improve their living. In addition to training in hard skills, the venture will also provide a series of support and consultation for enhancing participants’ self-image which helps facilitate social inclusion while eliminating stigmas on unemployed women.

Name of Organisation

NTL Recruitment Limited

Approved Funding Amount


Funding Period (Status)

12 months (Ended)


  • Offered training, internship or job referrals to 75 unemployed women
  • Provided 17 online or offline training sessions
  • Arranged 61 interviews for participants


(Not applicable)