Enhancing Equality in Learning Opportunity – Develop effective school-based enrichment programmes for under-achievers with high ability (2022-2023)

start-up, education and learning, children and youth, Impact Incubator

Providing support to schools and teachers in the design and delivery of school-based enrichment programmes for underachieving students



The venture aims to provide professional training/ workshops to 30 teachers from 20 primary/secondary schools and facilitate their design and delivery of school-based enrichment programmes for underachieving students (also known as "invisible talents") from low-income families.

The venture will arrange one prospective teacher to provide on-site support to each participating school for executing the programmes. Besides, support through talks, resource booklet, hotline and WhatsApp groups will be provided to parents of the participating students to let the parents understand more about the concept of "invisible talents", the support for "underachievers" that is required, as well as their children’s learning progress and outcome.

Name of Organisation

The Education University of Hong Kong

Approved Funding Amount


Funding Period (Status)

2 years (Active)

Expected Impact

300 students from low-income families will benefit


As at June 2023:

  • Formed collaboration with 32 primary or secondary schools, of which 5 were from the pilot scheme, 8 were newly recruited and 19 were from network schools 
  • Recruited 19 teachers from network schools
  • Recruited and provided training to 19 teachers who were new to the scheme 
  • Organised a teaching workshop with 37 participants
  • Designed school-based enrichment programmes for 8 newly recruited schools
  • Provided 1-to-1 consultation to 8 newly recruited schools
  • Trained 146 grassroot students
  • Conducted class observation in 3 pilot schools

