Time To Gold - Intercultural Cakes R&D Scheme

prototype, job training and opportunities, people of diverse race, Impact Incubator

Providing training in pastry making for local grassroots women and women of diverse race



The venture aims to promote social inclusion of local grassroots women and women of diverse race by providing them with training to co-create cross-cultural pastries.

Fifty local grassroots women and fifty women of diverse race will be recruited for various training activities/ workshops, with topics like health and nutrition, live streaming for cooking, and pastries co-creation, etc. New fusion pastries will be co-developed by these two groups of women and sold at the venture’s physical and online stores.

The venture will also provide vocational training, internships and job referrals to the trained women.

The venture has received funding support from the SIE Fund for another prototype project.

  • Click here to learn more about the "Hong Kong Social Innovators" behind this venture.

Name of Organisation

Time To Gold Limited

Approved Funding Amount


Funding Period (Status)

1 year (Ended)


  • Hired one full-time project manager and one person of diverse race as R&D consultants
  • Invited 3 local NGOs for collaboration
  • Recruited 100 participants to join the programme
  • Organised 5 seminars on nutrition, 4 pastries workshops and 4 R&D classes
  • Arranged 7 points of sale
  • Sold 2 902 pastries
  • Provided 20 hours of job-training to 10 women
  • Employed 2 women already received job-training

