A mobile app providing barrier-free information to help persons with disabilities travel with ease
The venture proposes to develop a mobile app which provides information on barrier-free access relating to restaurants, facilities and events for persons with disability (PWDs). Apart from travel routes, rating on the barrier-free level and suggestions in respect of related services such as transportation and support services would be given. Users can review those travel plans and make reference to feedback from other users. It aims to help PWDs travel with more confidence and convenience.
In addition, the venture will launch a barrier-free recognition scheme to encourage corporations to improve barrier-free facilities and raise public awareness of the needs of PWDs.
Income will be generated from the commission of providing support services, advertising, joint promotion and the recognition scheme.
- Click here to learn more about the "Hong Kong Social Innovator" behind this venture.
- Click on the image below for a video featuring the venture, produced by a team of young people under the Social Innovation Short Film Sponsorship Scheme.