Project Alongside Phase (1) - A One-Stop End-of-Life Service Platform

other service types, other beneficiary groups, Impact Incubator

Providing one-stop end-of-life planning services for sexual/gender minorities



The venture aims to address the needs of the LGBTQIA+ (also known as sexual/gender minorities) community in end-of-life planning.

The venture will provide one-stop end-of-life planning services including free consultations, will-drafting and clinical psychologist counselling sessions. The venture will also conduct public education through diverse means such as seminars, workshops, focus groups, and a flagship annual conference. Besides, 15 parties/individuals of different professions will be recruited to provide services; at least 6 of them have a legal background.

Name of Organisation

Alongside Limited

Approved Funding Amount


Funding Period (Status)

1 year (Active)

Expected Impact

  • Engage 180 participants in workshops, seminars, focus groups, etc.
  • Engage 100 participants in the annual conference
  • 100 clients receive free consultation service
  • 60 clients (including 20 from low-income families) enjoy free will-drafting service
  • 3 sets of educational materials available online and offline
  • 15 professionals participate in the initiative/project


(To be updated when available)
