Express Cardio-Metabolic Check and Frailty Rehabilitation for Older Adults Attending Elderly Centres

healthcare, elderly, Grant for Good

Providing rapid cardiac examinations and related health assessment services for grassroots elderly



The venture aims to serve 800 grassroots elderly people in all 18 districts in Hong Kong by providing rapid access to cardiac examinations and advanced blood analysis to identify people in frailty and pre-frailty state, and provide them with further intervention or referrals. It will serve as a valuable case reference for developing future community-based and cost-effective primary care solutions aimed at managing age-related cardiovascular and geriatric issues.

It is expected to serve 800 elderly people from low-income families through health examinations and the provision of an electronic health exercise application and educational resources to support their health and well-being and foster active ageing. Among them, an estimated 360 individuals who fall into the pre-frail or frail category would be split into two groups to receive different rehabilitation support and health monitoring.

Name of Organisation


Approved Funding Amount


Funding Period (Status)

3 years (Active)

Expected Impact

  • 800 elders will receive express heart checks, blood analysis, and cardio-metabolic risk and nutritional assessments
  • 800 frail or pre-frail elders will be educated about or use an e-health exercise maintenance app
  • 180 frail or pre-frail elders will undergo a 12-week rehabilitation and exercise programme, with an expected 10% to 15% improvement in frailty and physical fitness measures


(To be updated when available)

